Where’s my Family?

Swampy has kidnapped my girls and is holding them hostage in his watery madhouse.

Swampy has kidnapped my girls and is holding them hostage in his watery madhouse.

Remember that iPad I mentioned ‘not so long ago’? Well, I have a problem with it now. Well I would have, if I could ever get hold of it.

Let me explain.

There’s this game, it’s called “Where’s my Water” and it’s following hot on the addictive heels of Angry Birds. Having played it a bit on my iPhone I ‘accidentally’ added it to my iPad. That was my first mistake. My second was showing it to Catty, an until-quite-recently-huge-video-game-detractor. It was in the car, on the day I bought the iPad, sat waiting for a Kiddie’s birthday party to start. She reluctantly said, “oh let me look then” and that was the last I saw of it.

Now I have to grab a few moments with my…correction, OUR new toy, when she finally falls asleep.

Don’t get me wrong, as an avid gamer, I have for years been trying to get Cat into games. I just had no idea what would happen if she ever found one she liked. So now I know what it feels like. I lit  a fire tonight, with much banging and clattering. About half an hour later Cat said, “ooo you lit a fire”.

Curse you Swampy!


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