
One small thing less

I was prompted today to write this response to an article and thought I may as well add here as well. The article was:...

Knickerbocker Glory

More Layers Last weekend we went to stay with some relatives as part of our trip to Peppa Pig World (Yay!) – actually more...

Pine cone collage

Milly composed this at nursery today. She spent a lot of time considering it before gluing it down.

Mr Ping’s Noodle Soup

Let’s be honest, it’s not just the kids who like Kung Fu Panda. And who hasn’t wondered what Mr Ping’s Secret Ingredient Noodle Soup...

I have an M.O. Busted!

If you don’t want to get busted, don’t have a signature. I try to be good, but I do like a late night snack....
Swampy has kidnapped my girls and is holding them hostage in his watery madhouse.

Where’s my Family?

Remember that iPad I mentioned ‘not so long ago’? Well, I have a problem with it now. Well I would have, if I could...

iCompleted my iNdoctrination

One word, iPad. Ok, two words, iPad mini. It wasn’t that long ago that I was a vehement iThing detractor. I sneered at Apple...

Make the dot more pregnant

I have a long career history of designing for all manner of clients, from small businesses to multi-nationals. During this time I have received...
pulled pork parfait

I don’t know no one who don’t like no parfait

Tonight we are remaking our pulled pork parfait, a dish we discovered a while ago, for one of our social food type gatherings. To...
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So here we go

So, WordPress eh? Blogs eh? What do people write in blogs anyway? I am guessing that most people use them to pour out their...